Most frequent questions and answers
Our rates start from a very competitive rate per month. Please call us on 07745 601 523 or email us on info@thehubselfstorage.com to get a quote.
The minimum rental period is 4 weeks. If you need storage for a shorter period than 4 weeks please call us on 07745 601 523.
There is no limit to how long you can rent a storage container. We have customers who have been with us for several years
Access is 24/7.
All our sites can be accessed 24/7.
All our sites are located outdoors meaning you can drive right up to your storage container to gain access.
Our site layout is carefully planned out to maximise accessiblity for vehicles.
Our Hastings Road location offers storage containers on the ground floor and first floor. The first floor storage containers are accessed by a mobile wide platform staircase. A full demonstration will be provided before handover of the keys.
Our storage containers are water-tight. Our customers store many different things, and also sensitive items such as electronics and furniture.
If the storage container is kept dry inside there will be no condensation as we have ventilation in all our storage containers.
If, however someone brings wet or waterlogged items into the storage conatainer this will cause condensation issues as this water is trapped in the storage container.
Therefore, please ensure all your items such as washing machines and fridges/freezers are completely dry before placing them into storage.
Please call us on 07745 601523 and we will talk you through how to book your storage container using our on-line booking service.
Yes. All customers are required to pay a £50.00 refundable security deposit before storing. The deposit is fully refundable provided there is no damage and the container is left clean & tidy,after you have vacated.
Providing there is no damage and the storage container is left clean & tidy, after you have vacated, we will ask for your bank account details and your £50.00 deposit refund will be processed within 5 working days.
No. We will supply you with a high security steel padlock, which is designed to fit tightly under the steel lock box on the storage container.
Using the padlock provided is a condition of using our storage, however, there is also space for you to add your own security padlock in addition to the one provided on the arms of the storage container door if you so wish.
In the event of you losing your key, we will need to order you a new key, please note this will be chargeable.
We accept cash and Bank transfers.
Your goods must be insured whilst in storage. It is standard practice for self storage companies to require their customers to adequately insure their goods for the duration of their stay. This is usually done through your Household or Business Insurance.
Two forms of ID are required one of which must be a photo ID (passport or driving licence). Payment of a deposit and the first invoice must be made prior to moving in. Please check with the store team.
No, there are no hidden surprises. The price for storage you are quoted includes VAT.
You will need to give us 2 weeks notice when you wish to vacate and this can be done emailing us on info@thehubselfstorage.com, or by whatsapp or calling us on 07745 601 523.
We have 24 hour monitored CCTV cameras and frequent site visits by our Security Team.
Our customers store a range of things including: Archive Storage, Commercial Storage, Computer Storage, Data Storage, Deeds Storage, Document Storage, Domestic Storage, Filing Storage, Full Loads, Furniture Storage, Records Storage, Sports Equipment Storage, Stock Storage, Students’ Storage, Vehicle Storage (car storage and motorbike storage), Wills Storage and much much more.
We do not permit the storage of: Hazardous goods, toxic materials, Pollutants, contaminants, waste, Perishable goods, live animals, living plants, Cash and securities, illegal goods, Explosives, firearms, ammunitions, We always cooperate with the Police and HM Customs.
Please call us on 07745 601 523.
Please call us on 07745 601 523 or email us on info@thehubselfstorage.com
Our full Terms and Conditions can be viewed online here
Our Privacy Policy can be viewed online here